We aim to foster an enthusiasm and excitement for science through interactive activities and experiences. Throughout their time at Burlington Junior School, children will develop their working scientifically skills so that they can apply their scientific knowledge when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments, justifying their results and explaining concepts confidently. During weekly science lessons, we encourage children to continuously ask questions and be curious about their surroundings.
"I love learning new facts and knowing how it links to the world."
Year 5 Pupil
Throughout each unit of learning, teachers assess their pupils' understanding through their written work, their practical work, their discussions in class and their responses to quizzes.
Burlington Junior School has achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark.
Our Curriculum Learning Journey
The subject learning journey for science follows the National Curriculum for science in Key Stage Two. It begins from the point reached at the end of Key Stage One and shows progression through the year groups.
"We enjoyed learning about electricity because we used resources to build circuits. We made the light come on!"
Year 4 Pupil
Enrichment in Science
Within lessons, pupils use a wide variety of equipment to ensure lessons are practical, which helps them to develop their understanding.
Every year at Burlington Junior School, we participate in a school S.T.E.M. Week, which is filled with additional activities to help our pupils develop their scientific enquiry skills.
"I've learnt more about plants that I knew before."
Year 3 Pupil
Pupils in upper key stage two visit a local secondary school, where they are involved in investigations within a science lab. This creates a greater passion for the subject and allows them to see how science is taught later on in their education.
To help Year 5 children develop their knowledge and curiosity of Earth and space, they experience a 'Science Dome' as part of their learning.
"It is fun working with my partner and thinking about how we will investigate a topic."
Year 6 Pupil
Useful Learning Links
BBC Teach - Terrific Scientific