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BurlingtonJunior School


During PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons, children are taught and involved in discussions about being a good citizen and their contribution to society.

Our PSHE Learning Journey

Through the Jigsaw programme, pupils encounter a range of themes, including ‘changing me’, ‘being me in my world’ and ‘celebrating difference’. British values are discussed and explored throughout the PSHE and wider curriculum. The Jigsaw themes of ‘healthy me’ and ‘changing me’ teach children about personal hygiene and safety, as well as the changes that occur to their bodies.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) sits within our PSHE curriculum. RSE teaches pupils about positive relationships, including friendships, family relationships and relationships with other children and adults. Children are taught about having respect for others and understanding that families are made up in many ways. Children also explore their own emotional and mental wellbeing, whilst also learning about different ways of staying safe, including online. For more information about RSE at Burlington Junior School, please click on following link: Relationships Education (RSE). 

"I think PSHE is important as we learn about how everyone is different."

Year 5 Pupil

"PSHE lessons teach you how to see things from other people's points of view."

Year 4 Pupil 


Enrichment in PSHE

Learning that takes place within PSHE supports pupils beyond their classroom lesson. Pupils learn about keeping safe, having healthy relationships, friendships and wellbeing and this learning is used in all aspects of school life. 

Assemblies support this learning further by addressing school and world issues, allowing pupils to participate in discussions around these topics. 

Where appropriate, external trips and visits are planned to enrich learning, such as in Year 5, pupils currently visit Kidzania as part of their learning about dreams and goals. Visitors may also come into school to discuss topics. Recently, local police officers have visited Year 6 to teach them more about keeping safe. 

"I like learning how to solve friendship problems so that I am happy at school."

Year 4 Pupil

Anti-Bullying Week 2022

This year's anti-bullying theme is 'Reach Out'. Andy and the Odd Socks have created a song called 'Calling Out' which supports key messages for children about anti-bullying from the Anti-Bullying Alliance.


Useful Learning Links

BBC Bitesize - PSHE and Citizenship


CBBC - Staying Safe Online

