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BurlingtonJunior School

Our School Council

Role of the School Council   

Our School Councillors are elected by the children of Burlington Junior School: a boy and girl from each class.

It is a councillors’ job to help improve the experiences of all the pupils in the school by suggesting changes or improvements to how the school is run (including break times, lunchtimes and the use of outdoor space). The councillors have a meeting every half term and the minutes and decisions of these meetings are shared with the rest of the school. The councillors in each class can then explain to their class members what has been discussed and also ask for information for the next meeting.

Here are examples of the types of issues discussed at our meetings:

Can we have the playground repainted?   

Some Yr6 children are getting more football time than others.

Can we have playground friendship benches beside the Great Hall?  

Can we have marking cones in the arena?

Changes the School Councillors have made include:

  • £100 from the Governors has been spent on sports bibs to be used at playtime for football.
  • At lunch time children can read in the Yr5 first-aid area,
  • Different foods for the school menu were suggested to Nourish.

All the Councillors tour the school to note any areas they like and dislike and to note any improvements that they feel would enhance the school. These are reported to the Head teacher.

School Tours

If there are special visitors to the school, such as new parents or visiting teachers, Mrs Utting or Mr Blow may ask School Councillors to take them on a tour.

Charity Fundraising

There are usually three charity events which the School Council help to organise in order to raise money for the nominated charities, such as Children in Need, Comic Relief or Sports Relief.

£100 Governors’ Donation

Each year our School Councillors speak to their classes and select one favourite idea on which to spend the £100.

School Council Surveys

The School Council ask their classes if children or teachers want to change something around the school or introduce something new. These points are then discussed in School Council meetings. 

Other Events

  • School Councillors have helped staff select a new SMSA by asking interview questions.
  • School Councillors have helped review the School's Anti-bullying policy.

School Council Minutes

Please read the minutes below of our school council meetings.

