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BurlingtonJunior School

Our Governors

Every school has a Governing Body which is legally responsible for the operation of the school including staff appointments, school budget, health and safety, safeguarding, maintaining the school buildings and monitoring the school’s performance.

The Governing Body has three key roles:

A strategic role: to agree with the Headteacher what areas the school should focus on to improve and provide the best possible education for our children.

A monitoring role: to be aware of the attainment and progress made by the children at the school.

A financial role: to ensure the financial resources are well managed and are being used effectively to improve pupil progress and attainment.

Governors are not expected to be involved in the detail of the day-to-day management of the school.  The focus of the work of the Governing Body is school improvement and high standards of educational achievement.

Governor Meetings

Governing Body

The Governing Body meets five times a year and the meetings are always quorate.  The Governing Body has considered the following issues during the past year:

  • Safeguarding (e.g. online safety, behaviour, anti-bullying)
  • The School Development Plan and priorities for the school.
  • The progress made by pupils and support being provided to close any gaps
  • Staffing
  • Attendance and Fixed Penalty Notices
  • School Budget
  • Website
  • Parent’s Forum
  • The development of the school.
  • New school building

Please see the document at the bottom of this page titled 'Burlington Junior School Governors' for statutory information on the current governing body.

Committee Meetings

All governors are invited to attend additional committee meetings to discuss and review particular aspects of school life. 

The Curriculum Committee (chair: Julie Hickman) meets once a term to review curriculum sequencing and progression, as well as to discuss subject strengths and areas of development. Subject leaders may also attend these meetings to provide updates to our school governors. 

The Resource Committee (chair: Stefan Bown) meets to review the budget, personnel and premises.   This committee meets once a term.


“We believe that every child has the right to achieve his or her full potential, regardless of their gender, race, language, physical ability, special educational needs or socio-economic background. We ensure that every child has equal access to all areas of school life and full entitlement to the curriculum. It is our aim to positively promote school life and full entitlement to the curriculum. We value all members of our school community.”

Joining our Governing Body

If you are interested in joining the Governing Body please contact the School Office.

The Clerk to the Governing Body can be contacted via the School Office.


Stephen Arbuthnot - Chair of Governors  

I have been a co-opted governor since November 2019.  My two children started their Burlington journeys in the Nursery at the Infant school, and both are currently enrolled in the Junior school. 

As a parent I’m grateful that my children are benefiting from such a positive learning environment at the school, and as a governor I feel a strong commitment to ensure its continued strength.

I have lived in New Malden since 2013 and work in a commercial role for a global management & technology consulting firm.

Stefan Bown 

I am a co-opted Governor having had two children in both Burlington Infants and Burlington Junior Schools some years ago. Being a School Governor gives an unparalleled opportunity to contribute to the local community and the education of the next generation by supporting, and being a critical friend to, the staff at the school. With my background in a career in the music business and as well as my governor role I am passionate about music in schools. I am delighted to see how the school continues to grow and develop and maintain the very highest standards in all areas under its Head and Deputy Head in the challenging arena of modern education. 

Julie Hickman 

I have enjoyed being involved with the school as a parent rep and as chair of the PTA for the last 3 years.  Providing additional funds to support the school vision of inspiring children towards a love of learning and knowledge. 

In my professional life, I worked for 20 years in the investment banking industry in IT and project management roles.  Currently, I am working for the local authority administering early years funding. This has given me important skills I can transfer to the role of Governor.

I look forward to learning more about the curriculum, how it is delivered at Burlington and how it encourages all children to access education and be the best they can be.

John Kewley 

I am local authority appointed governor with children at Burlington. I have lived in New Malden for over 6 years and the Kingston area since childhood. As a parent, neighbour and local community member being a governor gives me the opportunity to help and support the school to meet its vision and mission. 

Professionally I work digital technology sector based in the City.

Simon Gilmour

I am co-opted governor with children at Burlington. 

I have lived in New Malden for over 10 years and as a parent, neighbour and local community member being a governor gives me the opportunity to help and support the school to meet its vision and mission.

Professionally I’m a manager for a large infrastructure company.

 Mrs P Hall - Staff Governor

I have worked in both the Infants and Junior Schools for over 30 years. My 2 boys came to this school and found it really friendly so I was really pleased when I was offered a job.

Mr Matt West - Staff Governor 

I've worked at Burlington since 2012, and became a governor in 2021.  In addition to teaching classes across the school, I've led both subjects and year teams - most recently as English co-ordinator and Year 6 leader.  

Mariam Hakim 

I am a co-opted governor with two children at Burlington. I have lived in the New Malden area for over 15 years and I have a professional background in communications and publishing - specifically focussing on work that supports children and young people. I look forward to helping the school achieve its very best for the children and families at the heart of Burlington.

Naveed Shah 

I am a co-opted governor and two of my children are in the Junior School. I grew up in New Malden and studied at Burlington from Nursery through to the Juniors.

Being a governor gives me an opportunity to give back to the school for all that it has done to nurture my children and myself.

Professionally I work as a Finance Director for a private hospital and am part of the Executive Management Team that drives business strategy. I hope my skills will add value to the school.

Rebecca Campbell - Safeguarding Governor 

I have lived in New Malden since 2009 and have two children who attend Burlington Junior School, having both come up through the Infants school.  I am a qualified architect with over 20 years of experience, and currently work part-time in a practice in central London.

By becoming a governor, I hope to contribute to the ongoing success of the school and help make a positive difference to the lives of the children who attend the school.

Jemima Harris 

I have been teaching at Burlington since 2019, and became a governor in 2023. During my time here, I have taught a range of year groups as well as being a subject lead for history and English.​

Sarah Finch

I am very pleased to be a governor at Burlington Junior School. My daughter began her schooling at the Infant School and is now part of the Burlington Junior School community. We have been residents of New Malden since 2015. 

My professional background is also in education, although this has been in the secondary school sector. In that time, I have been a senior leader, SENDCo  and pastoral lead with safeguarding responsibilities. 

In joining the governor's team, I am looking forward to giving back to my local community and supporting the school with its continued success. 

Mariam Uteem 

I have lived in new Malden since 2012 and have one child at Burlington Juniors in year 5. Two of my children have been part of the school community  since reception with one of them having moved onto secondary school. I have enjoyed being a parent rep and hope that I can continue to support the school in maintaining their high standards of learning and inclusivity for all children. 

Professionally I work as a physiotherapist in a private hospital within cancer care and the surgical and respiratory rehabilitation fields . 

