Contact Us
Burlington Junior School
Burlington Road
New Malden
Phone: 020 8942 2687
Fax: 020 8942 3522
Headteacher: Mrs Pip Utting
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo): Mrs Caroline Case
Chair of Governors: Mr Stephen Arbuthnot
School Business Manager: Mrs Julie Kerr
School Office Team: Miss Aniqa Mir, Mrs Sarah Mitchell, Mrs Denise Norman and Mrs Amanda Rogan
School Opening Hours:
The school day runs from 8.45am until 3.25pm. This totals 33 hours and 20 minutes across a full week.
The school office will be open at the following times to respond to enquiries:
Day | Time |
Monday to Thursday | 8am to 5pm |
Friday | 8am to 4.30pm |
Reporting Pupil Absence
To report your child's absence from school please email or phone the school on 020 8942 2687
A member of the school office team will record the absence.
General Queries or Questions
General Queries:
If you have any general queries about our school, including information about admissions, please contact us via the following email address or telephone number and a member of our office team will respond to your enquiry:
Email -
Telephone - 020 8942 2687
Parental Queries
If you have any queries or questions about your child's education, please contact the class teacher initially.
If you are not happy with the response, please contact the year leader in the first instance.
In the morning and after school, members of staff are on duty who you are welcome to approach with any questions or queries.
Parental Queries - Email Contact
As we hope you can appreciate, our admin email box is very busy with all incoming mail. So we have set up an email address just for parents which enables you to contact our teaching staff/Senior Leadership Team.
The email address is
Please write in the subject box if the email is for a particular staff member. A member of the office team will endeavour to deal with your enquiry or pass it on to the relevant person as soon as we possibly can.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
School website:
For any comments, questions or suggestions regarding our school website, please send an email to:
Queries, Questions or Information regarding SEND
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Caroline Case. Miss Lucy Duncombe is our Assistant-SENCo (part-time).
They can be contacted through the school office on telephone number 020 8942 2687 or by email:
Information about School Closures
To find out if school is open or closed, please check the home page of the website or Radio Jackie.
Information about Disability Access
If you require any information about disabled access please telephone the school office team for more details. Unfortunately due to our building works we do not currently have disabled parking facilities on site. Information is also contained in the Accessibility Plan which can be accessed here.
Charges and Remissions
Trips and Workshops
Burlington arranges a variety of trips and workshops for the pupils which enhance their learning of the topic they are studying. In order for the trips and workshops to go ahead it is necessary for school to ask parents/guardians for a voluntary contribution towards the cost.
It is Burlington’s policy not to exclude any child on the basis of inability to pay; however, if not enough funds were raised, the trip/workshop may need to be cancelled.
Annual Voluntary Contribution
In addition, we ask parents to make an annual voluntary contribution at the beginning of the academic year. This enables us to buy additional resources. We really appreciate your donations.
For further information about our charging and remissions policy, please click here to view our non-curriculum policies.
Burlington Junior School endeavours to provide the best education possible for all of its pupils in an open and transparent environment. We welcome any feedback that we receive from parents, pupils and third parties, and we accept that not all of this will be positive. Where concerns are raised, the school intends for these to be dealt with fairly, openly, promptly and without prejudice.
In order to do so, the governing board has approved our 'Complaints Policy' which explains what you should do if you have any concerns about the school. This policy can be found on our non-curriculum policies page.
In the first instance, please contact our teaching staff or the senior leadership team via the following email address:
Information about Private School References
For any parents or carers who are applying for a private school place for their child, please be aware that Burlington Junior School does not complete private references.
Instead, we will share a copy of your child's most recent school report with their prospective school. Please contact the school office on if this is something you require.
I require paper copies of policies or other information on the school website.
To request paper copies of policies or other information on the school website, please email
Paper copies will be provided free of charge.